Sustainability against the logics of the state: Political and institutional barriers in the Chilean infrastructure sector
Misleh, Dziumla, De La Garza & Guenther (2024)
ArtículoExamining the Effects of Social Protest on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Chile
Irarrazaval, Stamm, Madariaga & Maillet (2023)
ArtículoMythical infrastructuring: The work of stories in the making of the Chacao Bridge, Southern Chile
Cordero, Mascareño, Rodríguez & Salinas (2023)
ArtículoOne step forward, two steps back? Shifting accumulation strategies in the lithium production network in Chile
Irarrázaval & Carrasco (2023)
ArtículoThe Resource Curse Returns?
Carrasco & Madariaga (2022)